
Al Medyaf Diamond company

Our goal is to serve the guests of Rahman

Al-Medyaf Diamond Company is one of the companies owned by Cafani Hotel, which has been able, with the help of God, to establish its reputation as one of the leading companies in providing services of a high level of quality and credibility.
Since its inception, Al-Medyaf has developed strong relationships with relevant companies and entities in the destinations it serves around the world. Al-Modayaf has been seeking over the years to implement its lofty mission “worship without hardship” by facilitating the procedures for performing Hajj and Umrah rituals, organizing Hajj and Umrah services, implementing ration campaigns, and providing facilities and support services to raft companies and related companies.
Al-Medyaf adopts a policy of change and the application of modern communication technologies in implementing a logistical system that allows performing rituals easily and efficiently according to specified procedures, providing the best services and achieving the highest levels of satisfaction for the guests of Rahman on an ongoing basis.